make false accusation; defame


  • make false accusation
  • defame
  • to accuse falsely


yuān wū unjust charge; frame-up
fǎn wū to make a false countercharge
pān wū to frame; to accuse unjustly
陷害 pān wū xiàn hài unjust accusation; miscarriage of justice
告 wū gào to frame sb; to accuse falsely
害 wū hài to damage by calumny
蔑 wū miè variant of 誣衊|诬蔑[wu1 mie4]; to slander; to smear; to vilify
衊 wū miè variant of 誣衊|诬蔑[wu1 mie4]; to slander; to smear; to vilify
賴 wū lài to accuse falsely
陷 wū xiàn to entrap; to frame; to plant false evidence against sb
biàn wū to debate; to refute
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