
recognize, know, understand


  • recognize, know, understand
  • to recognize
  • to know
  • to admit


知心理學 rèn zhī xīn lǐ xué cognitive psychology
知神經心理學 rèn zhī shén jīng xīn lǐ xué cognitive neuropsychology
繳資本 rèn jiǎo zī běn subscribed capital (finance)
罪 rèn zuì to admit guilt; to plead guilty
罪協商 rèn zuì xié shāng plea bargain
罰 rèn fá to accept punishment
腳 rèn jiǎo to know your right shoe from your left (colloquial); to know which of two you want
親 rèn qīn to visit new in-laws after a marriage
證 rèn zhèng to authenticate; to approve
識 rèn shi to know; to recognize; to be familiar with; to get acquainted with sb; knowledge; understanding; awareness; cognition
識不能 rèn shi bù néng agnosia
識論 rèn shi lùn epistemology (in philosophy, the theory of how we know things)
賊作父 rèn zéi zuò fù lit. to acknowledge the bandit as one's father (idiom); fig. a complete betrayal; to sell oneself to the enemy
賠 rèn péi to agree to pay compensation; to accept liability
賬 rèn zhàng to own up to a fault; to admit the truth; to acknowledge a debt
購 rèn gòu to undertake to purchase sth; to subscribe (to share issue)
輸 rèn shū to concede; to admit defeat
錯 rèn cuò to admit an error; to acknowledge one's mistake
領 rèn lǐng to claim (as one's property); to adopt (a child); to accept (an illegitimate child as one's own)
頭 rèn tóu to accept defeat; to recognize losing
養 rèn yǎng to sponsor; to adopt (pledge to give sb or sth one's special attention or support); to adopt (choose to raise a child or animal as one's own)
超額 chāo é rèn (a share issue is) oversubscribed
超額購 chāo é rèn gòu (a share issue is) oversubscribed
biàn rèn to recognize; to identify
biàn rèn to distinguish; to examine and recognize