
execute, kill, put to death; punish


  • execute, kill, put to death
  • punish
  • to put (a criminal) to death
  • to punish


人不為己,天地滅 rén bù wèi jǐ , tiān zhū dì miè Look out for yourself, or heaven and earth will combine to destroy you.; Every man for himself, and the Devil take the hindmost.
fú zhū to be executed
筆伐 kǒu zhū bǐ fá to condemn in speech and in writing (idiom); to denounce by word and pen
tiān zhū heavenly punishment; king's punishment
sūn zhū Sun Zhu (1711-1778), poet and compiler of Three Hundred Tang Poems 唐詩三百首|唐诗三百首[Tang2 shi1 San1 bai3 Shou3]; also known by assumed name 蘅塘退士[Heng2 tang2 Tui4 shi4]
斧鉞之 fǔ yuè zhī zhū to die by battle-ax (idiom); to be executed
zú zhū to execute all of sb's relatives (as punishment) (old)
竊國者侯,竊鉤者 qiè guó zhě hóu , qiè gōu zhě zhū steal the whole country and they make you a prince, steal a hook and they hang you (idiom, from Daoist classic Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子)
竊鉤者,竊國者侯 qiè gōu zhě zhū , qiè guó zhě hóu steal a hook and they hang you, steal the whole country and they make you a prince (idiom, from Daoist classic Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子)
九族 zhū jiǔ zú to execute all of sb's relatives (as punishment) (old)
心之論 zhū xīn zhī lùn a devastating criticism; to expose hidden motives
戮 zhū lù to put to death
暴討逆 zhū bào tǎo nì to wipe out the villains (e.g. insurgents, or people of another race)
殺 zhū shā to kill; to murder
求 zhū qiú exorbitant demands; demanding with menaces; extortion
求無厭 zhū qiú wú yàn incessant exorbitant demands
求無已 zhū qiú wú yǐ to make endless exorbitant demands
流 zhū liú to kill and banish
滅 zhū miè to wipe out; to exterminate
盡殺絕 zhū jìn shā jué to wipe out; to exterminate
鋤 zhū chú to uproot; to eradicate (traitors)
鋤異己 zhū chú yì jǐ to wipe out dissenters; to exterminate those who disagree
除 zhū chú to wipe out; to exterminate
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