
inquire into, ask about; consult


  • inquire into, ask about
  • consult
  • to ask about
  • to inquire about


zī xún to consult; to seek advice; consultation; (sales) inquiry (formal)
國際電報電話咨委員會 guó jì diàn bào diàn huà zī xún wěi yuán huì International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT)
zhēng xún to consult; to query; to solicit opinion
tàn xún to inquire into; to ask after
chá xún to check; to inquire; to consult (a document etc); inquiry; query
歐陽 ōu yáng xún Ouyang Xun (557-641), one of Four Great Calligraphers of early Tang 唐初四大家[Tang2 chu1 Si4 Da4 jia1]
qià xún to inquire (of); to consult
線上查 xiàn shàng chá xún online search
價 xún jià quotation request; price inquiry; price check
問 xún wèn to inquire
問台 xún wèn tái information desk
查 xún chá to make inquiries
根問底 xún gēn wèn dǐ lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of sth
盤 xún pán inquiry
zī xún consultation; to consult; to inquire
員 zī xún yuán advisor; consultant
zhì xún to question; to enquire; interrogatory
lún xún to poll; polling
zhuī xún to interrogate; to question closely
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