
appraise, criticize, evaluate


  • appraise, criticize, evaluate
  • to discuss
  • to comment
  • to criticize
  • to judge
  • to choose (by public appraisal)


不予論 bù yǔ píng lùn No comment!
如潮 jiā píng rú cháo a hit; tremendous popularity
信用等 xìn yòng píng děng credit rating
信用級 xìn yòng píng jí credit rating
危害價 wēi hài píng jià hazard assessment
反批 fǎn pī píng countercriticism
同級審 tóng jí píng shěn peer review
pǐn píng to judge; to assess
嚴厲批 yán lì pī píng to criticize severely; to slate
hǎo píng favorable criticism; positive evaluation
專家價 zhuān jiā píng jià expert evaluation
專家論 zhuān jiā píng lùn expert commentary
尖銳批 jiān ruì pī píng sharp criticism
zhǎn píng to display for evaluation; to exhibit and compare
chà píng poor evaluation; adverse criticism
建設性的批 jiàn shè xìng de pī píng constructive criticism
yǐng píng film review
pī píng to criticize; criticism; CL:個|个[ge4]
家 pī píng jiā critic
者 pī píng zhě critic; detractor
shū píng book review; book notice
cè píng to test and evaluate
環境影響估 huán jìng yǐng xiǎng píng gū environmental impact assessment EIA; abbr. to 環評|环评
huán píng environmental impact assessment (EIA); abbr. for 環境影響評估|环境影响评估
shè píng editorial (in a newspaper); also written 社論|社论
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