
explain; annotate; make entry


  • explain
  • annotate
  • make entry
  • to inject
  • to pour into
  • to concentrate
  • to pay attention
  • stake (gambling)
  • classifier for sums of money
  • variant of 註|注[zhu4]
  • to register
  • to annotate
  • note
  • comment


piān zhù to stress in a prejudiced way; to emphasize sth unduly
bèi zhù remark; note
命中定 mìng zhōng zhù dìng decreed by fate (idiom); destined; fated
域名冊 yù míng zhù cè domain name registration
威氏音法 wēi shì zhù yīn fǎ Wade-Giles transliteration scheme for Chinese
wěi zhù endnote
心神專 xīn shén zhuān zhù to concentrate one's attention; to be fully focused
pī zhù to annotate; to add marginal comments on; criticism; marginalia
渾儀 hún yí zhù book by Han dynasty astronomer Zhang Heng
juàn zhù to think fondly of sb
biān zhù editor's note
冊 zhù cè to register; to enroll
冊商標 zhù cè shāng biāo registered trademark
定 zhù dìng to foreordain; to be bound to; to be destined to; to be doomed to; inevitably
疏 zhù shū commentary and subcommentary (of a book)
腳 zhù jiǎo footnote
解 zhù jiě to annotate; annotation; comment; interpretation; to explain with notes; explanatory note
銷 zhù xiāo to cancel; to write off
音法 zhù yīn fǎ phonetic transcription; system of representing spoken sounds
píng zhù to annotate; annotation; commentary; remark
詞性標 cí xìng biāo zhù part-of-speech tagging
quán zhù notes and commentary; exegesis
說文解字 shuō wén jiě zì zhù Commentary on Shuowen Jiezi (1815) by Duan Yucai 段玉裁[Duan4 Yu4 cai2]
fù zhù note; annotation
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