
examine patient, diagnose


  • examine patient, diagnose
  • to examine or treat medically


中德所 zhōng dé zhěn suǒ Sino-German clinic
hòu zhěn waiting to see a doctor; awaiting treatment
室 hòu zhěn shì waiting room (at clinic, hospital)
jiàn zhěn check-up (health, car safety, environment etc)
chū zhěn to visit a patient at home (of a doctor); house call
qiè zhěn (TCM) pulse feeling and palpitation, one of the four methods of diagnosis 四診|四诊[si4 zhen3]
wèn zhěn (TCM) interrogation, one of the four methods of diagnosis 四診|四诊[si4 zhen3]
sì zhěn (TCM) the four methods of diagnosis, namely 望診|望诊[wang4 zhen3] (observation), 聞診|闻诊[wen2 zhen3] (auscultation and olfaction), 問診|问诊[wen4 zhen3] (interrogation), 切診|切诊[qie4 zhen3] (pulse feeling and palpation)
jiù zhěn to see a doctor; to seek medical advice
hòu zhěn postoperative examination
fù zhěn another visit to doctor; further diagnosis
jí zhěn emergency call; emergency (medical) treatment
室 jí zhěn shì emergency room
yìng zhěn to see patients (of doctor); to hold a surgery
àn zhěn palpation (as a method of examination)
huì zhěn consultation (medical); to meet for diagnosis; (by extension) consultation of different specialists
wàng zhěn (TCM) observation, one of the four methods of diagnosis 四診|四诊[si4 zhen3]
què zhěn to make a definite diagnosis
wén zhěn (TCM) auscultation and smelling, one of the four methods of diagnosis 四診|四诊[si4 zhen3]
器 tīng zhěn qì stethoscope
mài zhěn (TCM) diagnosis based on the patient's pulse; to make such a diagnosis
chù zhěn body palpation (diagnostic method in TCM); tactile examination
室 zhěn shì consulting room
所 zhěn suǒ clinic
斷 zhěn duàn diagnosis; to diagnose
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