scold loudly, curse, abuse


  • scold loudly, curse, abuse
  • to scold


唐吉德 táng jí hē dé Don Quixote; also written 堂吉訶德|堂吉诃德[Tang2 ji2 he1 de2]
堂吉德 táng jí hē dé Don Quixote
夫 qì hē fū Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860-1904), Russian writer famous for his short stories and plays
mó hē transliteration of Sanskrit mahā, great
婆羅多 mó hē pó luó duō Mahābhārata, second great Indian epic after 羅摩衍那|罗摩衍那[Luo2 mo2 yan3 na4], possibly originally c. 4th century BC
叱 hē chì variant of 呵斥[he1 chi4]
子 hē zǐ chebulic myrobalan (Terminalia chebula)
斥 hē chì variant of 呵斥[he1 chi4]
譴 hē qiǎn variant of 呵譴|呵谴[he1 qian3]
qiǎn hē to reprimand
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