
swindle, cheat; erroneous, wrong


  • swindle, cheat
  • erroneous, wrong
  • error
  • false
  • to extort
  • variant of 訛|讹[e2]


yǐ é chuán é to spread falsehoods; to increasingly distort the truth; to pile errors on top of errors (idiom)
chā é error; mistake
人 é rén to blackmail; to extort
傳 é chuán unfounded rumor; to pass on a mistaken belief to others
字 é zì erroneous character; typographical error
詐 é zhà to extort under false pretenses; to blackmail; to bluff; to defraud
誤 é wù error in a text; text corruption
謬 é miù error; mistake
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