
entrust, rely on; commission


  • entrust, rely on
  • commission
  • prop
  • support (for weight)
  • rest (e.g. arm rest)
  • thanks to
  • to hold in one's hand
  • to support in one's palm
  • to give
  • to base
  • to commit
  • to set
  • torr (unit of pressure)
  • to trust
  • to entrust
  • to be entrusted with
  • to act as trustee
  • variant of 託|托[tuo1]


yī tuō to rely on; to depend on; support
xìn tuō to entrust; trust bond (finance)
yǐ tuō variant of 倚托[yi3 tuo1]
jiǎ tuō to pretend; to use a pretext; to make sth up; to pass oneself off as sb else; to make use of; also written 假托[jia3 tuo1]
quán tuō full-time care (of children in a boarding nursery)
shòu tuō to be entrusted; to be commissioned
人 shòu tuō rén (law) trustee
者 shòu tuō zhě trustee
zhǔ tuō to entrust a task to sb else
yāng tuō to request assistance; to ask sb to do sth
wěi tuō to entrust; to trust; to commission
書 wěi tuō shū commission; proxy; power of attorney; authorization; warrant
憑證 cún tuō píng zhèng depository share; depository receipt (DR)
jì tuō to entrust (to sb); to place (one's hope, energy etc) in; a thing in which you invest (your hope, energy etc)
爾 kāng tuō ěr Cantor (name); Georg Cantor (1845-1918), German mathematician, founder of set theory 集合論|集合论[ji2 he2 lun4]
bài tuō to request sb to do sth; please!
美國存憑證 měi guó cún tuō píng zhèng American depository receipt (ADR)
拉博拉 tuō lā bó lā Torabora mountain area in east Afghanistan, famous for its caves
洛茨基 tuō luò cí jī Leon Davidovich Trotsky (1879-1940), early Bolshevik leader, exiled by Stalin in 1929 and murdered in 1940
詞 tuō cí to make an excuse; pretext; excuse
辭 tuō cí see 託詞|托词[tuo1 ci2]
證券 yù tuō zhèng quàn depository receipt (DR, in share dealing)
格羅索 mǎ tuō gé luó suǒ Mato Grosso, western province of Brazil
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