
to discuss; ask for, beg; demand; dun; marry


  • to discuss
  • ask for, beg
  • demand
  • dun
  • marry
  • to invite
  • to provoke
  • to demand or ask for
  • to send armed forces to suppress
  • to denounce or condemn
  • to marry (a woman)
  • to discuss or study


討 stroke order diagram


伐 tǎo fá to suppress by armed force; to send a punitive expedition against; to crusade against
便宜 tǎo pián yi to look for a bargain; to seek advantage; to try to gain at expense of others
俏 tǎo qiào deliberately provocative; saucy
保 tǎo bǎo to ask for bail money
債 tǎo zhài to demand repayment
價還價 tǎo jià huán jià to haggle over price; to bargain
厭 tǎo yàn to dislike; to loathe; disagreeable; troublesome; annoying
厭鬼 tǎo yàn guǐ disgusting person; slob
取 tǎo qǔ to ask for; to demand
吃 tǎo chī to beg for food
好 tǎo hǎo to get the desired outcome; to win favor by fawning on sb; to curry favor with; a fruitful outcome to reward one's labor
好賣乖 tǎo hǎo mài guāi to curry favor by showing obeisance (idiom)
嫌 tǎo xián disagreeable; hateful; a pain in the neck
小 tǎo xiǎo (coll.) to take a concubine
巧 tǎo qiǎo to act cleverly to get what one desires; to get the best at least expense
平 tǎo píng to put down (an uprising); to pacify
底 tǎo dǐ to enquire; to demand details
底兒 tǎo dǐ r erhua variant of 討底|讨底[tao3 di3]
拍 tǎo pāi (Tw) (coll.) to seek sympathy
擾 tǎo rǎo I beg to disturb you; I trespass on your hospitality; Thank you for your hospitality!
教 tǎo jiào to consult; to ask for advice
海 tǎo hǎi to make one's living from the sea
生活 tǎo shēng huó to eke out a living; to live from hand to mouth; to drift aimlessly
究 tǎo jiū to investigate
米 tǎo mǐ to beg for food