
inquire; ask; examine; reproach


  • inquire
  • ask
  • examine
  • reproach
  • to question
  • to ask
  • to interrogate
  • rapid
  • speedy
  • fast
  • news
  • information


中復電 zhōng fù diàn xùn Zoomflight Telecom (Chinese company)
信息與通技術 xìn xī yǔ tōng xùn jì shù information and communication technology, ICT
zhēn xùn to interrogate during investigation
chuán xùn to summon (a witness); to subpoena
xiōng xùn evil tidings; bad news
全球資網 quán qiú zī xùn wǎng world wide web; WWW
xíng xùn interrogation under torture; inquisition
bó xùn abbr. for 博訊新聞網|博讯新闻网[Bo2 xun4 Xin1 wen2 wang3], Boxun, US-based dissident Chinese news network
即時通 jí shí tōng xùn instant messaging (IM); instant message
wèn xùn interrogation; greeting
xǐ xùn good news; glad tidings
國際文傳通社 guó jì wén chuán tōng xùn shè Interfax News Agency
國際文傳電社 guó jì wén chuán diàn xùn shè Interfax, Russian non-governmental news agency
shěn xùn inquest; trial; interrogation; to try; to interrogate
彭博通社 péng bó tōng xùn shè Bloomberg L.P., financial software services, news and data company
kuài xùn newsflash
性短 xìng duǎn xùn sexting; sexually explicit text message
tí xùn to bring sb to trial
shōu xùn (wireless) reception
改善通 gǎi shàn tōng xùn to improve communications
shí xùn news; current events
朝鮮中央通社 cháo xiǎn zhōng yāng tōng xùn shè North Korean Central News Agency (KCNA); abbr. to 朝中社[Chao2 zhong1 she4]
sǐ xùn news of sb's death
每日電報 měi rì diàn xùn bào Daily Telegraph (newspaper)
duǎn xùn SMS; text message
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