plan, plot; stratagem; scheme


計 jì
  • surname Ji
  • to calculate
  • to compute
  • to count
  • to regard as important
  • to plan
  • ruse
  • meter
  • gauge


計 stroke order diagram


資本提 zī běn jì tí capital requirement
走為上 zǒu wéi shàng jì see 三十六計,走為上策|三十六计,走为上策[san1 shi2 liu4 ji4 , zou3 wei2 shang4 ce4]
輻射 fú shè jì radiometer
速度 sù dù jì speedometer
連環 lián huán jì interlocked stratagems; CL:條|条[tiao2]
里程 lǐ chéng jì speedometer (of a vehicle)
liáng jì gauge
針線活 zhēn xiàn huó jì needlework; sewing
錦囊妙 jǐn náng miào jì brocade sack of miracle plans (idiom); bag of tricks; fiendishly cunning masterplan (written out by strategic genius of fiction, and given to the local commander in a brocade bag)
阿波羅劃 ā bō luó jì huà the Apollo project (1961-1975), the NASA moon landing project
陰謀詭 yīn móu guǐ jì crafty plots and machinations (idiom)
階梯價 jiē tī jì jià volumetric pricing; tiered pricing; differential pricing
雷電 léi diàn jì brontometer; apparatus to measure thunder and lightning
雷電圖 léi diàn jì tú brontograph; record of thunder and lightning
電位 diàn wèi jì potentiometer
電壓 diàn yā jì voltmeter
電子算機 diàn zǐ jì suàn jī electronic computer
電腦輔助設 diàn nǎo fǔ zhù shè jì computer-aided design
電腦輔助設與繪圖 diàn nǎo fǔ zhù shè jì yǔ huì tú computer-aided design and drawing
yù jì to forecast; to predict; to estimate
風速 fēng sù jì anemometer
風險估 fēng xiǎn gū jì risk assessment
體溫 tǐ wēn jì clinical thermometer
體重 tǐ zhòng jì weighing scale
髮型設師 fà xíng shè jì shī hairstylist