plan, plot; stratagem; scheme


計 jì
  • surname Ji
  • to calculate
  • to compute
  • to count
  • to regard as important
  • to plan
  • ruse
  • meter
  • gauge


計 stroke order diagram


密度 mì dù jì density gauge
shěn jì to audit; to examine finances
員 shěn jì yuán accountant; auditor
署 shěn jì shǔ audit office; public accounts committee
長 shěn jì zhǎng auditor
jiāng jì jiù jì to beat sb at their own game (idiom)
xiǎo jì subtotal
工於心 gōng yú xīn jì scheming; calculating
工業設 gōng yè shè jì industrial design
qiǎo jì maneuver; scheme
庫侖 kù lún jì voltameter
從長議 cóng cháng jì yì to take one's time making a decision (idiom); to consider at length
心理統學 xīn lǐ tǒng jì xué psychometrics; quantitative psychology
xīn jì scheming; shrewdness
yīng jì accrual (accounting)
基礎 yīng jì jī chǔ accruals basis (accounting)
按照劃 àn zhào jì huà according to (the) plan ...
shòu jì to confide a plan to sb
tuī jì to estimate; to deduce (by calculation)
據估 jù gū jì according to estimates
據統 jù tǒng jì according to statistics
放射性時 fàng shè xìng jì shí radiometric dating
救恩劃 jiù ēn jì huà plan of salvation
數以億 shù yǐ yì jì countless; innumerable
數以千 shù yǐ qiān jì thousands (of sth)