
touch; butt, ram, gore


  • touch
  • butt, ram, gore
  • to touch
  • to make contact with sth
  • to stir up sb's emotions


發引信 chù fā yǐn xìn an impact detonator
發清單 chù fā qīng dān trigger list
目 chù mù eye-catching; conspicuous; obtrusive; striking; sticking out
目傷心 chù mù shāng xīn distressing sight (idiom)
目驚心 chù mù jīng xīn lit. shocks the eye, astonishes the heart (idiom); shocking; horrible to see; a ghastly sight
碰 chù pèng to touch; (fig.) to touch on (a matter)
礁 chù jiāo (of a ship) to strike a reef; (fig.) to hit a snag
線 chù xiàn to cross the line; to overdo something; to commit a crime
肢 chù zhī pedipalp
腕 chù wàn cephalopod tentacle
處 chù chù everywhere
覺 chù jué touch; sense of touch; tactile
角 chù jiǎo antenna; feeler
診 chù zhěn body palpation (diagnostic method in TCM); tactile examination
酶 chù méi catalase (enzyme)
電 chù diàn to get an electric shock; to be electrocuted; electric shock
霉頭 chù méi tóu to cause sth unfortunate to happen (to oneself or sb else); to do sth inauspicious; to have a stroke of bad luck
類旁通 chù lèi páng tōng to comprehend (new things) by analogy
鬚 chù xū tentacles; feelers; antennae
鬥蠻爭 chù dòu mán zhēng constant bickering and fighting (idiom); constantly at each other's throats; struggle for personal gain
靈感發圖 líng gǎn chù fā tú mind map
diǎn chù to tap; to touch (a touchscreen)