peep at; watch, spy on



  • peep at
  • watch, spy on
  • to spy
  • watch for


觑 stroke order diagram
觑 stroke order animation


xiǎo qù to despise; to have contempt for
面面相 miàn miàn xiāng qù to look at each other in dismay (idiom)
xiāng qù to look at each other
合 qù hé to squint
忽 qù hu variant of 覷糊|觑糊[qu4 hu5]
机会 qù jī huì to watch for an opportunity
步 qù bù to spy on
窥 qù kuī to peep at
糊 qù hu to squint
着眼 qù zhe yǎn to narrow one's eyes and gaze at something with great attention
视 qù shì to look; to gaze
眼 qù qù yǎn myopia; nearsightedness; shortsightedness
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