
look at, inspect, observe, see

HSK 1 #438


视 shì
  • variant of 視|视[shi4]
  • variant of 示[shi4]
  • old variant of 視|视[shi4]
  • to look at
  • to regard
  • to inspect


视 stroke order diagram
视 stroke order animation


有线电 yǒu xiàn diàn shì cable television
而不见 shì ér bù jiàn to turn a blind eye to; to ignore
tàn shì to visit (a patient, prisoner etc); to look inquiringly
角 shì jiǎo viewpoint; angle on sth; perspective
shěn shì to look closely at; to examine
zhí shì to look straight at
种族歧 zhǒng zú qí shì racial discrimination; racism
zhèng shì to face squarely; to meet head on; to face up to
xún shì to patrol; to make a tour; to inspect; to scan with one's eyes
tòu shì to see through; perspective; to examine by fluoroscopy (i.e. X-ray)
网膜 shì wǎng mó retina
闭路电 bì lù diàn shì closed-circuit television
kuī shì to peep at; to spy on; to peek
镜 hòu shì jìng rearview mirror
察 shì chá to inspect; an investigation
chóu shì to view sb as an enemy; to be hateful towards
duì shì to look face to face
zhēn shì to place great importance on; to treasure
眈眈 hǔ shì dān dān to glare like a tiger watching his prey (idiom); to eye covetously
作 shì zuò to regard as; to treat as
yǐng shì movies and television
同仁 yī shì tóng rén to treat everyone equally favorably (idiom); not to discriminate between people
mò shì to ignore; to neglect; to treat with contempt
界 shì jiè field of vision
jìn shì shortsighted; nearsighted; myopia