HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 321st character |
RADICAL | ⾒ (147.4) |
INDEX # | 952 |
rules, regulations, customs, law
- rules, regulations, customs, law
- variant of 規|规[gui1]
- compass
- a rule
- regulation
- to admonish
- to plan
- to scheme

角规 jiǎo guī | angle gauge; clinograph |
设计规范 shè jì guī fàn | design norm; planning regulations |
量规 liáng guī | gauge (i.e. measuring device) |
陋规 lòu guī | objectionable practices |
陈规旧习 chén guī jiù xí | old rules and customs |
双规 shuāng guī | shuanggui, an extralegal system within the CCP for detaining and interrogating cadres who fall from grace |
非规整 fēi guī zhěng | irregular; disordered |
规模宏大 guī mó hóng dà | magnificent scale; large and grand scale |
贸易规模 mào yì guī mó | trade volume; scale of trade |
规规矩矩 guī guī jǔ jǔ | in an orderly and disciplined manner; with strict adherence to rules and regulations |
投资规模 tóu zī guī mó | investment scale; size of investment |
非常规 fēi cháng guī | unconventional; not conforming to usual, standard, or commonly accepted practices |
军规 jūn guī | military regulations |
没有规矩 méi yǒu guī zé | without rules; without established guidelines or regulations |
违规操作 wéi guī cāo zuò | violation operation; operation that goes against rules or regulations |
规章制度 guī zhāng zhì dù | rules and regulations; system of rules and regulations governing an organization or community |
无规律 wú guī lǜ | without rules; irregular; chaotic |
无规则 wú guī zé | irregular |
没有规矩 méi yǒu guī ju | lack of manners; without proper behavior or etiquette |
符合规定 fú hé guī dìng | to comply with regulations; to meet the requirements |
合规性 hé guī xìng | compliance; the degree to which a process or product meets regulatory or official standards and policies |