jué jiào

to wake up from sleep; conscious


覺 jué
  • to feel
  • to find that
  • thinking
  • awake
  • aware
覺 jiào
  • a nap
  • a sleep
  • CL:場|场[chang2]


醒來 yī jiào xǐng lái to wake up from a sleep
不明厲 bù míng jué lì although I don't understand it, it seems pretty awesome (Internet slang)
不知不 bù zhī bù jué unconsciously; unwittingly
不自 bù zì jué unaware; unconscious of sth
bù jué unconsciously
guāi jué perceptive; alert; clever; shrewd
人不知鬼不 rén bù zhī guǐ bù jué in absolute secrecy
先知先 xiān zhī xiān jué foresight; having foresight; person of foresight
xiān jué person with foresight
初戀感 chū liàn gǎn jué feelings of first love
dòng jué kinesthesia
wǔ jiào siesta; afternoon nap
wèi jué sense of taste; gustation
遲鈍 wèi jué chí dùn amblygeustia; loss of food taste
xiù jué sense of smell
chá jué to sense; to perceive; to become aware of; to detect
huàn jué illusion; hallucination; figment of one's imagination
劑 huàn jué jì hallucinogen
後感 hòu gǎn jué after-sensation; after-impression
失調 sī jué shī tiáo psychosis
愛新羅 ài xīn jué luó Aisin Gioro, family name of the Manchu emperors of the Qing dynasty
gǎn jué to feel; to become aware of; feeling; sense; perception; CL:個|个[ge4]
到 gǎn jué dào to feel; to sense; to detect; to perceive; to become aware
器 gǎn jué qì sense organ
器官 gǎn jué qì guān sense organs; the five senses
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