
look at, inspect, observe, see


視 shì
  • variant of 視|视[shi4]
  • variant of 示[shi4]
  • old variant of 視|视[shi4]
  • to look at
  • to regard
  • to inspect


同仁 yī shì tóng rén to treat everyone equally favorably (idiom); not to discriminate between people
丘 xià shì qiū (anatomy) hypothalamus (Tw)
中國中央電台 zhōng guó zhōng yāng diàn shì tái China Central Television (CCTV), PRC state TV network
中國電公司 zhōng guó diàn shì gōng sī China Television Company (CTV), Taiwan
中央電台 zhōng yāng diàn shì tái China Central Television (CCTV), PRC state TV network
中華電 zhōng huá diàn shì Chinese Television System (CTS), Taiwan
zhōng shì China Television Company (CTV), Taiwan (abbr. for 中國電視公司|中国电视公司[Zhong1 guo2 Dian4 shi4 Gong1 si1])
luàn shì astigmatism (medicine) (Tw)
互動電 hù dòng diàn shì interactive TV
chóu shì to view sb as an enemy; to be hateful towards
yǎng shì to tilt one's head back to see (sth); to look up at
fǔ shì to overlook; to look down at
假性近 jiǎ xìng jìn shì pseudomyopia
ào shì to turn up one's nose; to show disdain for; to regard superciliously
群倫 ào shì qún lún outstanding talent (idiom); incomparable artistic merit; accomplishment out of the ordinary
內斜 nèi xié shì (medicine) esotropia; cross-eye
鏡 nèi shì jìng endoscope
níng shì to gaze at; to fix one's eyes on
pōu shì to analyze; to dissect
圖 pōu shì tú section view; cutaway view
半島電台 bàn dǎo diàn shì tái Al Jazeera (Arabic news network)
野 bàn shì yě half visual field
厲目而 lì mù ér shì to cut sb a severe look (idiom)
化 kě shì huà visualization
電話 kě shì diàn huà videophone
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