
dirty, ragged; slight, insult, treat with disrespect


  • dirty, ragged
  • slight, insult, treat with disrespect
  • obscene
  • disrespectful


yín xiè obscene
淫詞語 yín cí xiè yǔ dirty words; dirty talk
wěi xiè obscene; indecent; to molest
性暴露 wěi xiè xìng bào lù indecent exposure; flashing
慢 xiè màn irreverent; slighting
昵 xiè nì familiar (i.e. rude); irreverent
服 xiè fú informal wear; home clothes (old); women's underwear; lingerie
瀆 xiè dú to blaspheme; to profane
瀆神明 xiè dú shén míng to blaspheme; to commit sacrilege
黷 xiè dú to blaspheme; to profane
bǐ xiè vulgar; disrespectful
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