
bare, nude; undress, strip



  • bare, nude
  • undress, strip
  • variant of 裸[luo3]
  • naked


裸 stroke order diagram
裸 stroke order animation


体 luǒ tǐ naked
chì luǒ naked; bare
露 luǒ lù naked; bare; uncovered; exposed
chì luǒ luǒ bare; naked; (fig.) plain; undisguised; unadorned
机 luǒ jī hardware-only device; computer without operating system or other software installed; mobile phone or pager without network subscription
麦 luǒ mài rye (Secale cereale)
体 bàn luǒ tǐ half-naked
體 bàn luǒ tǐ half-naked
像 luǒ xiàng nude (painting, sculpture etc)
地 luǒ dì bare ground
地化 luǒ dì huà denudation
奔 luǒ bēn to streak (run naked)
婚 luǒ hūn lit. naked wedding; no-frills civil wedding ceremony lacking a material foundation: no car, house, reception, rings, or honeymoon
子植物 luǒ zǐ zhí wù gymnosperm (plants with seed contained in a cone)
子植物门 luǒ zǐ zhí wù mén gymnosperm (plants with seed contained in a cone)
子植物門 luǒ zǐ zhí wù mén gymnosperm (plants with seed contained in a cone)
官 luǒ guān Communist Party official whose wife and children have left China to reside in a foreign country
岩 luǒ yán bare rock
戏 luǒ xì nude scene (in a movie)
戲 luǒ xì nude scene (in a movie)
替 luǒ tì body double (in nude scenes)
模 luǒ mó nude model; abbr. for 裸體模特|裸体模特[luo3 ti3 mo2 te4]
機 luǒ jī hardware-only device; computer without operating system or other software installed; mobile phone or pager without network subscription
照 luǒ zhào nude photograph
眼 luǒ yǎn naked eye
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