
inside, interior, within


裡 lǐ
  • variant of 裡|里[li3]
  • lining
  • interior
  • inside
  • internal
  • also written 裏|里[li3]
  • Li (surname)
  • li, ancient measure of length, approx. 500 m
  • neighborhood
  • ancient administrative unit of 25 families
  • (Tw) borough, administrative unit between the township 鎮|镇[zhen4] and neighborhood 鄰|邻[lin2] levels


往泥踩 wǎng nì lǐ cǎi to belittle; to attack sb
到外 cóng lǐ dào wài from the inside to the outside; through and through; thoroughly
xīn li chest; heart; mind
有數 xīn lǐ yǒu shù to know the score (idiom); to be well aware of the situation
有譜 xīn lǐ yǒu pǔ to have a plan in mind
有鬼 xīn li yǒu guǐ to have secret motives; to have a guilty conscience
癢癢 xīn lǐ yǎng yang lit. itchy heart; to be itching to do sth (idiom)
美蘿蔔 xīn li měi luó bo Chinese roseheart radish (shinrimei radish), green on the outside, purple-red on the inside, a favorite Beijing vegetable
話 xīn li huà (to express one's) true feelings; what is on one's mind; secret mind
情人眼出西施 qíng rén yǎn lǐ chū xī shī lit. in the eyes of a lover appears 西施[Xi1 shi1] (idiom); fig. beauty is in the eye of the beholder
情人眼有西施 qíng rén yǎn lǐ yǒu xī shī In the eyes of the lover, a famous beauty (idiom). Beauty in the eye of the beholder
huái lǐ embrace; bosom
shǒu lǐ in hand; (a situation is) in sb's hands
劍 shǒu lǐ jiàn straight or circular throwing-knife used by ninja and samurai (loanword from Japanese 手裏剣 shuriken)
打心眼 dǎ xīn yǎn li from the bottom of one's heart; heartily; sincerely
把心放在肚子 bǎ xīn fàng zài dù zi lǐ (coll.) to be completely at ease
揣在懷 chuāi zài huái lǐ to tuck into one's bosom; also written 搋在懷裡|搋在怀里
搋在懷 chuāi zài huái lǐ to tuck into one's bosom; also written 揣在懷裡|揣在怀里
撿到籃就是菜 jiǎn dào lán lǐ jiù shì cài all is grist that comes to the mill (idiom)
放在眼 fàng zài yǎn lǐ to pay attention to; to care about; to attach importance to
rì lǐ daytime; during the day
míng lǐ àn lǐ overtly and secretly; explicitly and implicitly
暗地 àn dì li secretly; inwardly; on the sly
拐彎 qū lǐ guǎi wān winding and turning (idiom)
朦在鼓 méng zài gǔ lǐ variant of 蒙在鼓裡|蒙在鼓里[meng2 zai4 gu3 li3]