HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 2431st character |
RADICAL | ⾐ (145.7) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2792 |
skirt, apron, petticoat
- skirt, apron, petticoat
- old variant of 裙[qun2]
- skirt
- CL:條|条[tiao2]

裙子 qún zi | skirt; CL:條|条[tiao2] |
围裙 wéi qún | apron |
连衣裙 lián yī qún | woman's dress; frock; gown |
长裙 cháng qún | cheong sam (long skirt) |
迷你裙 mí nǐ qún | miniskirt |
超短裙 chāo duǎn qún | miniskirt |
裙带关系 qún dài guān xi | favoritism shown to sb because of the influence of the person's wife or other female relative; (by extension) favoritism towards relatives, friends or associates |
衬裙 chèn qún | petticoat |
套裙 tào qún | woman's suit; dress worn over a petticoat |
裙裤 qún kù | culottes; pantskirt |
百褶裙 bǎi zhě qún | pleated skirt |
裙带 qún dài | waistband of a skirt; (fig.) related to the wife or another female family member |
衣裙 yī qún | female clothing |
一步裙 yī bù qún | pencil skirt |
喇叭裙 lǎ bā qún | flared skirt |
圍裙 wéi qún | apron |
折裙 zhé qún | pleated skirt |
摺裙 zhé qún | pleated skirt |
睡裙 shuì qún | nightgown |
蛋糕裙 dàn gāo qún | lit. cake skirt; tiered skirt |
裙帶 qún dài | waistband of a skirt; (fig.) related to the wife or another female family member |
裙带官 qún dài guān | official who gained his position through the influence of a female relative |
裙帶官 qún dài guān | official who gained his position through the influence of a female relative |
裙带菜 qún dài cài | wakame (Undaria pinnatifida), an edible seaweed |
裙帶菜 qún dài cài | wakame (Undaria pinnatifida), an edible seaweed |