chòng chǒng chōng

rush against, charge ahead


衝 chòng
  • powerful
  • vigorous
  • pungent
  • towards
  • in view of
衝 chōng
  • (of water) to dash against
  • to mix with water
  • to infuse
  • to rinse
  • to flush
  • to develop (a film)
  • to rise in the air
  • to clash
  • to collide with
  • thoroughfare
  • to go straight ahead
  • to rush


fǔ chōng to dive down fast; to swoop down
量 guāng chōng liàng radiant exposure
利害突 lì hài chōng tū conflict of interest
fǎn chōng recoil (of a gun); to bounce back; backlash
力 fǎn chōng lì backlash; recoil; reactive force
xǐ chōng chōng to beam with joy; in a happy mood
地區突 dì qū chōng tū local or regional confrontation
突 xiǎo chōng tū skirmish; clash; dispute; brush
怒髮冠 nù fà chōng guān lit. hair stands up in anger and tips off one's hat (idiom); fig. seething in anger; raise one's hackles
動 xìng chōng dòng sex drive
鋒 dǎ chōng fēng to lead the charge
樽俎 zhé chōng zūn zǔ lit. to stop the enemy at the banquet table; fig. to get the better of an enemy during diplomatic functions
敢打敢 gǎn dǎ gǎn chōng courageous and daring
文化擊 wén huà chōng jī culture shock
核電磁脈 hé diàn cí mài chōng nuclear electro-magnetic pulse
直撞 héng chōng zhí zhuàng lit. bashing sideways and colliding straight on (idiom); to push through shoving and bumping; to barge; to charge around violently
武裝突 wǔ zhuāng chōng tū armed conflict
烏茲鋒槍 wū zī chōng fēng qiāng Uzi (submachine gun)
熱脈 rè mài chōng thermal pulse
měng chōng to charge forward
空氣緩間 kōng qì huǎn chōng jiān air lock
精蟲腦 jīng chóng chōng nǎo lit. the spermatozoons have gone to his head; fig. overwhelmed by lust
huǎn chōng buffer; to cushion; to adjust to sharp changes
器 huǎn chōng qì buffer (computer science)
肢體突 zhī tǐ chōng tū physical encounter; fight
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