public office; official residence



衙 yá
  • surname Ya
  • office
  • yamen 衙門|衙门


衙 stroke order diagram
衙 stroke order animation


门 yá men government office in feudal China; yamen
总理门 zǒng lǐ yá men the Qing dynasty equivalent of the Foreign Office
總理門 zǒng lǐ yá men the Qing dynasty equivalent of the Foreign Office
内 yá nèi child of an official; palace bodyguard
內 yá nèi child of an official; palace bodyguard
役 yá yì bailiff of feudal yamen
署 yá shǔ government office in feudal China; yamen
門 yá men government office in feudal China; yamen
铁打的门,流水的官 tiě dǎ de yá men , liú shuǐ de guān lit. the yamen is strong as iron, the officials flow like water (idiom); fig. government officials come and go
鐵打的門,流水的官 tiě dǎ de yá men , liú shuǐ de guān lit. the yamen is strong as iron, the officials flow like water (idiom); fig. government officials come and go
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