moth; insects which eat into clot



  • moth
  • insects which eat into clot
  • insect that eats into books, clothing etc
  • moth-eaten
  • worm-eaten


蠹 stroke order diagram
蠹 stroke order animation


吏 dù lì corrupt officials
国害民 dù guó hài mín to rob the state and hurt the people (idiom)
國害民 dù guó hài mín to rob the state and hurt the people (idiom)
害 dù hài to harm; to endanger
弊 dù bì malpractice; abuse; corrupt practice
政 dù zhèng parasitic government
众木折 dù zhòng mù zhé Danger appears where many harmful factors exist. (idiom)
眾木折 dù zhòng mù zhé Danger appears where many harmful factors exist. (idiom)
简 dù jiǎn old worm-eaten books
簡 dù jiǎn old worm-eaten books
蛀 dù zhù to be moth-eaten; to be worm-eaten
蟲 dù chóng moth; harmful person; vermin
鱼 dù yú silverfish; CL:隻|只[zhi1]
魚 dù yú silverfish; CL:隻|只[zhi1]
鱼子 dù yú zi silverfish; CL:隻|只[zhi1]
魚子 dù yú zi silverfish; CL:隻|只[zhi1]
méi dù to become mildewed and worm-eaten (of books); to mildew and rot
齿 chǐ dù tooth decay
chǐ dù tooth decay
qǔ dù rotten teeth
qǔ dù rotten teeth