a snail, Eulota callizoma


蝸 wō
  • snail
  • Taiwan pr. [gua1]
  • see 蝸牛|蜗牛[wo1 niu2]


人工耳 rén gōng ěr wō cochlear implant
無殼牛 wú ké wō niú fig. people who cannot afford to buy their own house
ěr wō cochlea
居 wō jū humble abode; to live (in a tiny, cramped space)
廬 wō lú humble abode
旋 wō xuán to spiral
桿 wō gǎn worm (mechanical engineering)
桿副 wō gǎn fù worm-gear pair; worm drive; worm and worm gear
牛 wō niú snail; Taiwan pr. [gua1 niu2]
窗 wō chuāng fenestra cochleae (in middle ear)
蜒 wō yán snail
行 wō xíng to advance at a snail's pace
行牛步 wō xíng niú bù lit. to crawl like a snail and plod along like an old ox (idiom); fig. to move at a snail's pace; to make slow progress
蟻鬥爭 yǐ dòu wō zhēng lit. the ant fights, the snail contends (idiom); fig. petty squabbling
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