HSK | Not in HSK |
FREQUENCY | 3271st character |
RADICAL | ⾍ (142.9) |
STROKES | 15 |
INDEX # | 3250 |
kind of locust
- kind of locust
- locust

蝗虫 huáng chóng | locust |
蝗灾 huáng zāi | plague of locusts |
北蝗莺 běi huáng yīng | (bird species of China) Middendorff's grasshopper warbler (Locustella ochotensis) |
北蝗鶯 běi huáng yīng | (bird species of China) Middendorff's grasshopper warbler (Locustella ochotensis) |
史氏蝗莺 shǐ shì huáng yīng | (bird species of China) Styan's grasshopper warbler (Locustella pleskei) |
史氏蝗鶯 shǐ shì huáng yīng | (bird species of China) Styan's grasshopper warbler (Locustella pleskei) |
小蝗莺 xiǎo huáng yīng | (bird species of China) Pallas's grasshopper warbler (Locustella certhiola) |
小蝗鶯 xiǎo huáng yīng | (bird species of China) Pallas's grasshopper warbler (Locustella certhiola) |
矛斑蝗莺 máo bān huáng yīng | (bird species of China) lanceolated warbler (Locustella lanceolata) |
矛斑蝗鶯 máo bān huáng yīng | (bird species of China) lanceolated warbler (Locustella lanceolata) |
苍眉蝗莺 cāng méi huáng yīng | (bird species of China) Gray's grasshopper warbler (Locustella fasciolata) |
蒼眉蝗鶯 cāng méi huáng yīng | (bird species of China) Gray's grasshopper warbler (Locustella fasciolata) |
蝗災 huáng zāi | plague of locusts |
蝗科 huáng kē | Acridoidea (family containing grasshoppers, crickets and locusts) |
蝗蟲 huáng chóng | locust |
飞蝗 fēi huáng | flying locusts |
飛蝗 fēi huáng | flying locusts |
鸲蝗莺 qú huáng yīng | (bird species of China) Savi's warbler (Locustella luscinioides) |
鴝蝗鶯 qú huáng yīng | (bird species of China) Savi's warbler (Locustella luscinioides) |
黑斑蝗莺 hēi bān huáng yīng | (bird species of China) common grasshopper warbler (Locustella naevia) |
黑斑蝗鶯 hēi bān huáng yīng | (bird species of China) common grasshopper warbler (Locustella naevia) |