guo guō

small green frog; cicada



蝈 guō
  • small green cicada or frog (meaning unclear, possibly onom.)
  • see 蟈蟈|蝈蝈 long-horned grasshopper


蝈 stroke order diagram
蝈 stroke order animation


guō guo katydid; long-horned grasshopper
螽 guō zhōng insect of the Gampsocleis genus (grasshoppers and crickets); Gampsocleis sinensis
螽属 guō zhōng shǔ Gampsocleis genus (grasshoppers and crickets)
儿 guō guo r erhua variant of 蟈蟈|蝈蝈[guo1 guo5]
笼 guō guō lóng cage for singing cicada
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