



蛛 zhū
  • spider


蛛 stroke order diagram
蛛 stroke order animation


zhī zhū spider
丝马迹 zhū sī mǎ jì lit. spider's thread and horse track; tiny hints (of a secret); traces; clue
网 zhī zhū wǎng cobweb; spider web
网 zhū wǎng spider web; cobweb
zhū zhu (coll.) spider
捕鸟 bǔ niǎo zhū tarantula
捕鳥 bǔ niǎo zhū tarantula
láng zhū wolf spider
红背蜘 hóng bèi zhī zhū redback spider
紅背蜘 hóng bèi zhī zhū redback spider
纹背捕鸟 wén bèi bǔ zhū niǎo (bird species of China) streaked spiderhunter (Arachnothera magna)
紋背捕鳥 wén bèi bǔ zhū niǎo (bird species of China) streaked spiderhunter (Arachnothera magna)
形纲 zhū xíng gāng Arachnids (class of arthropods)
形綱 zhū xíng gāng Arachnids (class of arthropods)
絲馬跡 zhū sī mǎ jì lit. spider's thread and horse track; tiny hints (of a secret); traces; clue
網 zhū wǎng spider web; cobweb
人 zhī zhū rén Spider-Man, see 蜘蛛俠|蜘蛛侠; nickname of French skyscraper climber Alain Robert (1962-); person who scales the outer walls of a building as a stunt or for building maintenance
侠 zhī zhū xiá Spider-Man, comic book superhero
俠 zhī zhū xiá Spider-Man, comic book superhero
星云 zhī zhū xīng yún Tarantula Nebula
星雲 zhī zhū xīng yún Tarantula Nebula
痣 zhī zhū zhì arterial spider
網 zhī zhū wǎng cobweb; spider web
类 zhī zhū lèi arachnid
類 zhī zhū lèi arachnid
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