mole cricket



蛄 gū
  • see 螻蛄|蝼蛄[lou2 gu1]


蛄 stroke order diagram
蛄 stroke order animation


xiā gū mantis shrimp
xiā gū mantis shrimp
là gǔ fresh-water crayfish (Procambarus clarkii)
lóu gū mole cricket; Gryllolaptaptidae, family of burrowing insects of order Orthoptera (a serious agricultural pest)
lóu gū mole cricket; Gryllolaptaptidae, family of burrowing insects of order Orthoptera (a serious agricultural pest)
科 lóu gū kē Gryllolaptaptidae family of burrowing insects of order Orthoptera; mole crickets
科 lóu gū kē Gryllolaptaptidae family of burrowing insects of order Orthoptera; mole crickets
huì gū Platypleura kaempferi, a kind of cicada
不知春秋 huì gū bù zhī chūn qiū lit. short-lived cicada does not know the seasons; fig. to see only a small piece of the big picture
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