type of edible mushroom



  • type of edible mushroom
  • mushroom


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菇 mó gu mushroom; to pester; to dawdle
菇云 mó gū yún mushroom cloud
sōng mó matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake), edible mushroom considered a great delicacy in Japan
kǒu mó Saint George's mushroom (Tricholoma mongplicum)
松口 sōng kǒu mó matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake), edible mushroom considered a great delicacy in Japan
菇 pào mó gu to procrastinate; to shilly-shally and waste time
菇汤 mó gu tāng mushroom soup
菇湯 mó gu tāng mushroom soup
菇雲 mó gū yún mushroom cloud
迷幻菇 mí huàn mó gu psilocybin mushroom; magic mushroom
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