
a fragrant plant with a medicinal root, a type of wild ginger



  • a fragrant plant with a medicinal root, a type of wild ginger
  • Asarum blumei (wild ginger plant)


蘅 stroke order diagram
蘅 stroke order animation


dù héng Asarum forbesii (wild ginger plant)
塘退士 héng táng tuì shì assumed name of Sun Zhu 孫誅|孙诛[Sun1 Zhu1] (1711-1778), poet and compiler of Three Hundred Tang Poems 唐詩三百首|唐诗三百首[Tang2 shi1 San1 bai3 Shou3]
芜 héng wú Asarum blumei (ginger plant)
蕪 héng wú Asarum blumei (ginger plant)
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