
splendid, magnificent; algae



  • splendid, magnificent
  • algae
  • aquatic grasses
  • elegant


藻 stroke order diagram
藻 stroke order animation


hǎi zǎo seaweed; marine alga; kelp
类 zǎo lèi algae
cí zǎo rhetoric; flowery language
cí zǎo rhetoric
螺旋 luó xuán zǎo spiral algae; spirulina (dietary supplement)
guī zǎo diatom (single-celled phytoplankton)
lán zǎo cyanobacterium (blue-green alga)
单胞 dān bāo zǎo single-celled algae
單胞 dān bāo zǎo single-celled algae
玩弄词 wán nòng cí zǎo to juggle with words (dishonestly); to be a hypocrite and hide behind florid rhetoric
玩弄詞 wán nòng cí zǎo to juggle with words (dishonestly); to be a hypocrite and hide behind florid rhetoric
zhēn zǎo to discern talent
眼虫 yǎn chóng zǎo euglena (biology)
眼蟲 yǎn chóng zǎo euglena (biology)
xī zǎo diatom
门 guī zǎo mén Bacillariophyta, phylum of diatom single-celled phytoplankton
門 guī zǎo mén Bacillariophyta, phylum of diatom single-celled phytoplankton
bāo zǎo algae
蓝绿 lán lǜ zǎo Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)
藍綠 lán lǜ zǎo Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)
lán zǎo cyanobacterium (blue-green alga)
门 lán zǎo mén Cyanobacteria (phylum of blue-green algae)
門 lán zǎo mén Cyanobacteria (phylum of blue-green algae)
類 zǎo lèi algae
cí zǎo rhetoric; flowery language
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