transliteration of 'sat' in 'bodhisattva,' etc.


  • transliteration of 'sat' in 'bodhisattva,' etc.
  • Bodhisattva
  • surname Sa


馬蘭奇 sà mǎ lán qí Juan Antonio Samaranch (1920-), Spanish Olympic official, president of International Olympic Committee 1980-2001
默塞特郡 sà mò sāi tè jùn Somerset county in southwest England
虛空藏菩 xū kōng zàng pú sà Akasagarbha Bodhisattva
西摩亞 xī sà mó yà Western Samoa
觀世音菩 guān shì yīn pú sà Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion or Goddess of Mercy (Sanskrit Avalokiteśvara)
觀音菩 guān yīn pú sà Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion or Goddess of Mercy (Sanskrit Avalokiteśvara)
語 háo sà yǔ the Hausa language
達累斯拉姆 dá lèi sī sà lā mǔ Dar es Salaam (former capital of Tanzania)
達蘭拉 dá lán sà lā Dharamsala in Himachal Pradesh, north India, home of Tibetan government in exile
金剛手菩 jīn gāng shǒu pú sà Vajrapani Bodhisattva
金剛埵 jīn gāng sà duǒ Vajrasattva
金沙 jīn shā sà Kinshasa, capital of Zaire
錫拉庫 xī lā kù sà Syracuse, Sicily
mén sà Mensa (loanword)
阿克塞哈克族自治縣 ā kè sài hā sà kè zú zì zhì xiàn Aksai Kazakh autonomous county in Jiuquan 酒泉, Gansu
阿爾斯 ā ěr sà sī Alsace, French department
姆 ā sà mǔ Assam, India
德 ā sà dé Assad (Arabic name)
阿赫蒂里 ā hè dì sà lǐ Martti Ahtisaari (1937-), Finnish diplomat and politician, veteran peace negotiator and 2008 Nobel peace laureate
雷克斯 léi kè sà sī Lexus; see also 凌志[Ling2 zhi4]
韋馱菩 wéi tuó pú sà Skanda, the general or guardian Bodhisattva
諸塞 mǎ sà zhū sài Massachusetts, US state
諸塞州 mǎ sà zhū sài zhōu Massachusetts, US state
龍樹菩 lóng shù pú sà Nagarjuna (Nagarjuna Bodhisattva)
更多德持 gèng duō sà dé chí maintain a more open attitude towards the United States deploying more THAAD in South Korea