fán fān

foreign things



蕃 fán
  • luxuriant
  • flourishing
  • to reproduce
  • to proliferate
蕃 fān
  • variant of 番[fan1]
  • foreign (non-Chinese)
蕃 bō
  • see 吐蕃[Tu3 bo1]


蕃 stroke order diagram
蕃 stroke order animation


茄 fān qié variant of 番茄[fan1 qie2]
tǔ bō Tubo or Tufan, old name for Tibet; the Tibetan Tubo dynasty 7th-11th century AD; also pr. [Tu3 fan1]
王朝 tǔ bō wáng cháo Tibetan Tubo Dynasty 7th-11th century AD
庑 fán wú variant of 繁蕪|繁芜[fan2 wu2]
廡 fán wú variant of 繁蕪|繁芜[fan2 wu2]
衍 fán yǎn variant of 繁衍[fan2 yan3]
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