
cover, hide, protect


蓋 gài
  • lid
  • top
  • cover
  • canopy
  • to cover
  • to conceal
  • to build
蓋 gě
  • surname Ge


州 gài zhōu Gaizhou county level city in Yingkou 營口|营口, Liaoning
州市 gài zhōu shì Gaizhou county level city in Yingkou 營口|营口, Liaoning
帽 gài mào block (basketball)
帽兒 gài mào r to block a shot (basketball); (dialect) excellent; fantastic
度 gài dù coverage (in botany)
棺定論 gài guān dìng lùn don't pass judgment on a person's life until the lid is on the coffin (idiom)
棺論定 gài guān lùn dìng don't pass judgment on a person's life until the lid is on the coffin (idiom)
澆飯 gài jiāo fàn rice with meat and vegetables
火鍋 gài huǒ guō to block a shot (basketball)
然性 gài rán xìng probability
爾 gài ěr Gaelic; Geier or Gayer (name)
爾語 gài ěr yǔ Gaelic (language)
牌 gài pái to fold (poker)
特納 gài tè nà Geithner (name); Timothy Geithner (1961-), US banker, Treasury Secretary from 2009
率 gài lǜ coverage
瓦 gài wǎ tiling (of roofs, floors, walls etc)
碗 gài wǎn lidded teacup
章 gài zhāng to affix a seal; to stamp (a document); to sign off on sth
縣 gài xiàn Gai county in Liaoning
茨 gài cí Gates (name)
茨比 gài cí bǐ Gatsby
茲 gài zī Gates (name)
菜 gài cài leaf mustard
門 gài mén closing cover; door (e.g. of photocopier)
革計數器 gài gé jì shù qì Geiger counter