store, save, hoard, gather

HSK 6 #1985


  • store, save, hoard, gather
  • to store up
  • to grow (e.g. a beard)
  • to entertain (ideas)


蓄 stroke order diagram
蓄 stroke order animation


jī xù to save; to put aside; savings
biān xù knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare)
势待发 xù shì dài fā to wait for action after having accumulated power, energy etc
勢待發 xù shì dài fā to wait for action after having accumulated power, energy etc
積 xù jī to accumulate; to store up
謀 xù mòu to premeditate; to plot
電池 xù diàn chí accumulator; battery
养 xù yǎng to raise (animals)
養 xù yǎng to raise (animals)
须明志 xù xū míng zhì to grow a beard as a symbol of one's determination (as Mei Lanfang 梅蘭芳|梅兰芳[Mei2 Lan2 fang1] growing a beard and refusing to perform for the Japanese)
鬚明志 xù xū míng zhì to grow a beard as a symbol of one's determination (as Mei Lanfang 梅蘭芳|梅兰芳[Mei2 Lan2 fang1] growing a beard and refusing to perform for the Japanese)
yùn xù latent; hidden and not developed
yùn xù latent; hidden and not developed
铅酸电池 qiān suān xù diàn chí lead-acid accumulator; battery (e.g. in car)
鉛酸電池 qiān suān xù diàn chí lead-acid accumulator; battery (e.g. in car)
養精銳 yǎng jīng xù ruì to preserve and nurture one's spirit (idiom); honing one's strength for the big push