hāo gǎo

mugwort, artemisia; give off



蒿 hāo
  • celery wormwood (Artemisia carvifolia)
  • to give off
  • to weed


蒿 stroke order diagram
蒿 stroke order animation


lóng hāo tarragon
伤心目 shāng xīn hāo mù to grieve; broken-hearted
傷心目 shāng xīn hāo mù to grieve; broken-hearted
矮脚苦 ǎi jiǎo kǔ hāo see 熊膽草|熊胆草[xiong2 dan3 cao3]
矮腳苦 ǎi jiǎo kǔ hāo see 熊膽草|熊胆草[xiong2 dan3 cao3]
ài hāo mugwort (Artemisia)
tóng hāo crown daisy; garland chrysanthemum; Chrysanthemum coronarium
菌陈 jūn chén hāo tarragon
菌陳 jūn chén hāo tarragon
shé hāo tarragon
素 qīng hāo sù Arteannuin (anti-malaria chemical); Artemisinin; Qinghaosu
yè hāo caraway
yè hāo caraway
lóng hāo tarragon
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