
ten thousand; innumerable


  • ten thousand
  • innumerable
  • surname Wan
  • ten thousand
  • a great number


里長江 wàn lǐ cháng jiāng Changjiang River; Yangtze River
金油 wàn jīn yóu Tiger Balm (medicine); jack of all trades (and master of none)(slang)
隆 wàn lóng Bandung (city in Indonesia)
難 wàn nán countless difficulties; extremely difficult; against all odds
靈丹 wàn líng dān panacea; cure-all
靈節 wàn líng jié All Saints' Day (Christian festival on 2nd November)
頃 wàn qǐng large landholding; vast space
頭鑽動 wàn tóu zuān dòng milling crowds
馬奔騰 wàn mǎ bēn téng lit. ten thousand stampeding horses (idiom); fig. with great momentum; going full speed ahead
馬齊喑 wàn mǎ qí yīn thousands of horses, all mute (idiom); no-one dares to speak out; an atmosphere of political oppression
齊融 wàn qí róng Wan Qirong (active c. 711), Tang dynasty poet
長 xiāo wàn cháng Vincent C. Siew (1939-), Taiwanese diplomat and Kuomintang politician, prime minister 1997-2000, vice president 2008-2012
行千里路,讀卷書 xíng qiān lǐ lù , dú wàn juàn shū see 行萬里路,讀萬卷書|行万里路,读万卷书[xing2 wan4 li3 lu4 , du2 wan4 juan4 shu1]
里路勝讀捲書 xíng wàn lǐ lù shèng dú wàn juǎn shū to travel a thousand miles beats reading a thousand books
里路,讀卷書 xíng wàn lǐ lù , dú wàn juàn shū Knowledge comes from books and from experience of the world. (idiom); Learn as much as you can and do all you can.
西尼 xī wàn ní Silvaner (grape type)
西藏百農奴解放紀念日 xī zàng bǎi wàn nóng nú jiě fàng jì niàn rì Serf Liberation Day (PRC)
說一千,道一 shuō yī qiān , dào yī wàn when all is said and done; at the end of the day
卷書,行里路 dú wàn juàn shū , xíng wàn lǐ lù see 行萬里路,讀萬卷書|行万里路,读万卷书[xing2 wan4 li3 lu4 , du2 wan4 juan4 shu1]
貪婪是惡之源 tān lán shì wàn è zhī yuán Greed is the root of all evil.
造福民 zào fú wàn mín to benefit thousands of people
遺臭年 yí chòu wàn nián to have one's name go down in history as a byword for infamy (idiom)
郎之 láng zhī wàn Langevin (name)
金錢能 jīn qián wàn néng money is omnipotent (idiom); with money, you can do anything; money talks
金錢非能 jīn qián fēi wàn néng money is not omnipotent; money isn't everything; money can't buy you love