
ten thousand; innumerable


  • ten thousand
  • innumerable
  • surname Wan
  • ten thousand
  • a great number


富翁 bǎi wàn fù wēng millionaire
赫茲 bǎi wàn hè zī megahertz (physics, electronics)
瞬息變 shùn xī wàn biàn in an instant a myriad changes (idiom); rapid substantial change
等效百噸當量 děng xiào bǎi wàn dūn dāng liàng equivalent megatonnage (EMT)
米格爾・德・塞提斯・薩維德拉 mǐ gé ěr ・ dé ・ sāi wàn tí sī ・ sà wéi dé lā Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616), Spanish novelist, poet and playwright, author of Don Quixote 堂吉訶德|堂吉诃德[Tang2 ji2 he1 de2]
耶烈 yē liè wàn Yerevan, capital of Armenia; also written 埃里溫|埃里温[Ai1 li3 wen1]
腰纏貫 yāo chán wàn guàn lit. ten thousand strings of cash in money belt (idiom); carrying lots of money; extremely wealthy; loaded
吉拉伊 cí wàn jí lā yī Morgan Tsvangirai (1952-), Zimbabwean politician
華潤家 huá rùn wàn jiā CR Vanguard or China Resources Vanguard Shop, a supermarket chain in Hong Kong and mainland China
一 wàn yī just in case; if by any chance; contingency
丈 wàn zhàng lit. ten thousand fathoms; fig. extremely high or deep; lofty; bottomless
丈高樓平地起 wàn zhàng gāo lóu píng dì qǐ towering buildings are built up from the ground (idiom); great oaks from little acorns grow
不得已 wàn bù dé yǐ only when absolutely essential (idiom); as a last resort
世 wàn shì all ages
世師表 wàn shì shī biǎo model teacher of every age (idiom); eternal paragon; refers to Confucius (551-479 BC) 孔子[Kong3 zi3]
丹 wàn dān Wantan township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan
丹鄉 wàn dān xiāng Wantan township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan
事 wàn shì all things
事亨通 wàn shì hēng tōng everything is going smoothly (idiom)
事俱備,只欠東風 wàn shì jù bèi , zhǐ qiàn dōng fēng lit. everything is ready, all we need is an east wind (idiom); fig. lacking only one tiny crucial item
事大吉 wàn shì dà jí everything is fine (idiom); all is well with the world
事如意 wàn shì rú yì to have all one's wishes (idiom); best wishes; all the best; may all your hopes be fulfilled
事得 wàn shì dé Mazda Motor Corporation; also known as 馬自達|马自达
事皆備,只欠東風 wàn shì jiē bèi , zhǐ qiàn dōng fēng everything is ready, all we need is an east wind (idiom); lacking only one tiny crucial item; also written 萬事俱備,只欠東風|万事俱备,只欠东风
事起頭難 wàn shì qǐ tóu nán the first step is the hardest (idiom)