
goosefoot, weed; fallow field


  • goosefoot, weed
  • fallow field
  • name of weed plant (fat hen, goosefoot, pigweed etc)
  • Chenopodium album


頓大學 lái dùn dà xué University of Leiden
麥丹 lái mài dān Ramadan (loanword)
齊耶三世 lái qí yē sān shì Letsie III of Lesotho
美獎 gě lái měi jiǎng Grammy Award (US prize for music recording); also written 格萊美獎|格莱美奖
péng lái Penglai county level city in Yantai 煙台|烟台, Shandong; Penglai, one of three fabled islands in Eastern sea, abode of immortals; by extension, fairyland
仙境 péng lái xiān jìng Penglai, island of immortals; fairyland
市 péng lái shì Penglai county level city in Yantai 煙台|烟台, Shandong
米 péng lái mǐ Taiwan round-grained glutinous rice (Japonica rice)
曼 sū lái màn Suleiman (name); General Michel Suleiman (1948-), Lebanese military man and politician, president of Lebanon 2008-2014
貝加 bèi jiā lái B&R Industrial Automation International Trade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
貝爾格德 bèi ěr gé lái dé Belgrade, capital of Serbia
邁克爾・克頓 mài kè ěr ・ kè lái dùn Michael Crichton (1942-), US techno-thriller writer, author of Jurassic Park
阿得德 ā dé lái dé Adelaide, capital of South Australia
阿德德 ā dé lái dé Adelaide, capital of South Australia
奇冰川 ā lái qí bīng chuān Aletsch glacier, Switzerland
曼 ā lái màn El Alamein, town in Egypt
雪佛 xuě fó lái Chevrolet, US car make
xuě lái Shelley; abbr. for 珀西·比希·雪萊|珀西·比希·雪莱[Po4 xi1 · Bi3 xi1 · Xue3 lai2]
馮德恩 féng dé lái ēn Ursula von der Leyen (1958-), German politician, president of the European Commission from 2019
龐加 páng jiā lái Henri Poincaré (1854-1912), French mathematician, physician and philosopher
文 lái wén Levine