
to fade; withered or dried leaves; tobacco (used for U+70DF 烟 and U+7159 煙)



菸 yān
  • variant of 煙|烟[yan1]
  • cigarette
  • tobacco
  • smoke
菸 yū
  • to wither
  • dried leaves
  • faded
  • withered


菸 stroke order diagram
菸 stroke order animation


chōu yān variant of 抽煙|抽烟[chou1 yan1]; to smoke (a cigarette, tobacco)
斗 yān dǒu variant of 煙斗|烟斗[yan1 dou3]
硷 yān jiǎn nicotine; also written 菸鹼|菸碱[yan1 jian3]
礆 yān jiǎn nicotine; also written 菸鹼|菸碱[yan1 jian3]
蒂 yān dì variant of 煙蒂|烟蒂[yan1 di4]; cigarette butt
碱 yān jiǎn nicotine
鹼 yān jiǎn nicotine
碱酸 yān jiǎn suān niacin (vitamin B3); 3-Pyridinecarboxylic acid C6H5NO2; nicotinic acid
鹼酸 yān jiǎn suān niacin (vitamin B3); 3-Pyridinecarboxylic acid C6H5NO2; nicotinic acid
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