HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 1266th character |
RADICAL | ⾋ (140.8) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2207 |
vegetables; dish, order; food
- vegetables
- dish, order
- food
- dish (type of food)
- vegetable
- cuisine
- CL:盤|盘[pan2],道[dao4]
- (coll.) (one's) type
- (of one's skills etc) weak
- poor

菜单 cài dān | menu; CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1] |
蔬菜 shū cài | vegetables; CL:種|种[zhong3] |
泡菜 pào cài | pickled cabbage |
小菜 xiǎo cài | appetizer; small side dish; easy job; piece of cake; see also 小菜一碟[xiao3 cai4 yi1 die2] |
饭菜 fàn cài | food |
点菜 diǎn cài | to order dishes (in a restaurant) |
卷心菜 juǎn xīn cài | cabbage; CL:棵[ke1]; variant of 卷心菜[juan3 xin1 cai4] |
菠菜 bō cài | spinach; CL:棵[ke1] |
菜谱 cài pǔ | menu (in restaurant); recipe; cookbook |
生菜 shēng cài | lettuce; raw fresh vegetables; greens |
主菜 zhǔ cài | main course |
做菜 zuò cài | to cook; cooking |
剩菜 shèng cài | leftovers (food) |
甜菜 tián cài | beet; beetroot |
花椰菜 huā yē cài | cauliflower |
芹菜 qín cài | celery (Apium graveolens) |
白菜 bái cài | Chinese cabbage; pak choi; CL:棵[ke1], 個|个[ge4] |
家常菜 jiā cháng cài | home cooking |
青菜 qīng cài | green vegetables; Chinese cabbage |
菜刀 cài dāo | vegetable knife; kitchen knife; cleaver; CL:把[ba3] |
菜肴 cài yáo | vegetable and meat dishes; dish |
菜园 cài yuán | vegetable garden |
咸菜 xián cài | salted vegetables; pickles |
菜市场 cài shì chǎng | food market |
香菜 xiāng cài | coriander; cilantro; Coriandrum sativum |