jing jīng

flower of leek family; turnip



菁 jīng
  • leek flower
  • lush
  • luxuriant


菁 stroke order diagram
菁 stroke order animation


wú jīng turnip
去芜存 qù wú cún jīng lit. to get rid of the weeds and keep the flowers; to separate the wheat from the chaff (idiom)
去蕪存 qù wú cún jīng lit. to get rid of the weeds and keep the flowers; to separate the wheat from the chaff (idiom)
英 jīng yīng elite
华 jīng huá the cream; essence; the quintessence
華 jīng huá the cream; essence; the quintessence
mán jing turnip; wild cabbage
wú jīng turnip
甘蓝 wú jīng gān lán rutabaga (vegetable)
甘藍 wú jīng gān lán rutabaga (vegetable)
园 huá jīng yuán Huajingyuan (name of a restaurant)
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