
luster of gems; bright, lustrous



莹 yíng
  • luster of gems


莹 stroke order diagram
莹 stroke order animation


jīng yíng sparkling and translucent
shěn yíng Shen Ying of Wu, governor (268-280) of coastal province of Wu and compiler of Seaboard Geographic Gazetteer 臨海水土誌|临海水土志
qīng yíng limpid; glistening
绿 lǜ yīng yīng green and lush
wú yíng a personal name; in this context, it refers to the Vice Professor at the Central University for Nationalities
华春 huá chūn yíng Hua Chunying - a Chinese diplomat who serves as the Director of the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China
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