lotus, water lily, holland



荷 hé
  • Holland
  • the Netherlands
  • abbr. for 荷蘭|荷兰[He2 lan2]
  • lotus
荷 hè
  • to carry on one's shoulder or back
  • burden
  • responsibility


荷 stroke order diagram
荷 stroke order animation


屬聖馬丁 hé shǔ shèng mǎ dīng Sint Maarten, island country in the Caribbean
巴特 hé bā tè Hobart, capital of Tasmania, Australia
槍實彈 hè qiāng shí dàn (idiom) armed; carrying a loaded firearm
泽 hé zé Lotus marsh (used in place names); misspelling of Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2] prefecture-level city in Shandong
澤 hé zé Lotus marsh (used in place names); misspelling of Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2] prefecture-level city in Shandong
泽寺 hé zé sì Heze temple in Fuzhou, Fujian
澤寺 hé zé sì Heze temple in Fuzhou, Fujian
爾蒙 hé ěr méng hormone (loanword); see 激素[ji1 su4]
巴 hé hé bā jojoba
莉・贝瑞 hé lì ・ bèi ruì Halle Berry (1966-), US actress
莉・貝瑞 hé lì ・ bèi ruì Halle Berry (1966-), US actress
蘭 hé lán Holland; the Netherlands
兰式拍卖 hé lán shì pāi mài Dutch auction; descending-price auction
蘭式拍賣 hé lán shì pāi mài Dutch auction; descending-price auction
兰王国 hé lán wáng guó Koninkrijk der Nederlanden; Kingdom of the Netherlands
蘭王國 hé lán wáng guó Koninkrijk der Nederlanden; Kingdom of the Netherlands
兰皇家航空 hé lán huáng jiā háng kōng KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
蘭皇家航空 hé lán huáng jiā háng kōng KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
蘭盾 hé lán dùn Dutch gulden
兰石竹 hé lán shí zhú grenadine; carnation; clove pink; Dianthus caryophyllus (botany)
蘭石竹 hé lán shí zhú grenadine; carnation; clove pink; Dianthus caryophyllus (botany)
兰芹 hé lán qín parsley
蘭芹 hé lán qín parsley
蘭語 hé lán yǔ Dutch (language)
兰豆 hé lán dòu snow pea