lotus, water lily, holland



荷 hé
  • Holland
  • the Netherlands
  • abbr. for 荷蘭|荷兰[He2 lan2]
  • lotus
荷 hè
  • to carry on one's shoulder or back
  • burden
  • responsibility


荷 stroke order diagram
荷 stroke order animation


兰 hé lán Holland; the Netherlands
bò he field mint; peppermint
尔蒙 hé ěr méng hormone (loanword); see 激素[ji1 su4]
马 hé mǎ Homer
兰语 hé lán yǔ Dutch (language)
fù hè load; burden; charge
超负 chāo fù hè excess load; an overload; overloaded
包 hé bāo embroidered pouch for carrying loose change etc; purse; pocket (in clothing)
爱达州 ài dá hé zhōu Idaho, US state
华 ài hé huá Iowa, US state (Tw)
枪实弹 hè qiāng shí dàn (idiom) armed; carrying a loaded firearm
包蛋 hé bāo dàn poached egg; egg fried on both sides
diàn hè electric charge
奥克拉马 ào kè lā hé mǎ Oklahoma, US state (Tw)
油 bò he yóu peppermint oil
zài hè load; lading (weight)
花 hé huā lotus
兰猪 hé lán zhū guinea pig
兰盾 hé lán dùn Dutch gulden
兰 běi hé lán North Holland
蘭 běi hé lán North Holland
兰 nán hé lán South Holland
蘭 nán hé lán South Holland
奧克拉馬 ào kè lā hé mǎ Oklahoma, US state (Tw)
奥克拉马州 ào kè lā hé mǎ zhōu Oklahoma, US state (Tw)
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