HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 789th character |
RADICAL | ⾋ (140.6) |
INDEX # | 1408 |
grass, straw, thatch, herbs
草 cǎo |
草 cào |

草率 cǎo shuài | careless; negligent; sloppy; not serious |
起草 qǐ cǎo | to make a draft; to draw up (plans) |
草案 cǎo àn | draft (legislation, proposal etc) |
草莓 cǎo méi | strawberry; CL:顆|颗[ke1]; (Tw) hickey; love bite |
草坪 cǎo píng | lawn |
烟草 yān cǎo | tobacco |
香草 xiāng cǎo | aromatic herb; vanilla; alternative name for Eupatorium fortunei; (fig.) loyal and dependable person (old) |
草地 cǎo dì | lawn; meadow; sod; turf; CL:片[pian4] |
草原 cǎo yuán | grassland; prairie; CL:片[pian4] |
草图 cǎo tú | a sketch; rough drawing |
稻草 dào cǎo | rice straw |
草药 cǎo yào | herbal medicine |
草稿 cǎo gǎo | draft; outline; sketch |
稻草人 dào cǎo rén | scarecrow |
干草 gān cǎo | hay |
割草机 gē cǎo jī | lawn mower (machine) |
打草惊蛇 dǎ cǎo jīng shé | lit. beat the grass to scare the snake (idiom); fig. to inadvertently alert an enemy; to punish sb as a warning to others |
杂草 zá cǎo | weeds |
草丛 cǎo cóng | underbrush |
甘草 gān cǎo | licorice root |
草包 cǎo bāo | idiot; straw bag |
草皮 cǎo pí | turf; sward; sod |
草草 cǎo cǎo | carelessly; hastily |
草拟 cǎo nǐ | first draft; to draw up (a first version) |
野草 yě cǎo | weeds; mistress or prostitute (old) |